He has never been touched by a human, but watch as they begin to shave him


Hope For Paws received a call about a homeless dog that has never had human contact.

They knew it would be hard to catch him, but necessary for his survival. Wait until you see the dog under the whole fur. This is Benji’s salvation and transformation, as the rescuer himself said.

“BENZIN was a homeless dog all his life. When Hope For Paws got a call about her, I asked Lisa Chiarelli to join me. Benji was very nervous when he realized that we were looking at him, he started running, we started running with him.

It was a bit difficult because I had to run after him, at the same time I had to place my delicate trap, holding the camera straight in my hand. you just have to see how I did it all.

“After Lisa and I secured Benji, we have to look at her closely.

Physically. he was so badly entangled, covered in lice: blisters, he bit his tongue when he tried to run away from us, so you will see a little bleeding, nothing serious. Spiritually.

Benji lived on the streets all his life, so it was so hard to get used to human interactions.

After 2-3 hours of care and treatment, he continued to go to Lisa Chiarelly’s house, where for 10 days he was almost motionless, frozen, always looking for a place to hide, not wanting anyone to touch him.

As always, Lisa’s Pit Bull mix, Lola Frank, decided to help Benji overcome his fears, the result will make you so happy

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