The world’s largest owl hatches huge babies outside a person’s window, and they now watch tv with him


A Belgian guy initially mistook the sound coming from his open air planter for pesky pigeons. According to pintiks, it was Europe’s hugest owl — 4 of them.

The European eagle owl, one of the nation’s hugest owls, made its home in his third-floor housing planter.

They’ve been watching television through the glass with their new owner since the mom’s 3 massive babies fertilised.

The massive, poofy babes can be seen at awareness in a queue, eyeing the tv screen over his shoulder in the clip posted by a show Vroege Vogels (or Early Birds in English).

Their rude mother usually watches over her fledglings from a tree, apparently wary of Baart and her infants’ TV behavioral patterns.

“From there, she has a nice view of the nest,” he describes in the clip. “She can remain for between six and eight hours at a time.”

They appear to have grown familiar to each other now, but he used to think they were a menace.

In the clip, he suggests, “Damn, those birds again.” When he returned home one day, the huge mom owl flew away right in front of him, proving him false.

“You can see how at ease they are,” he states in the video. “They’re not afraid at all.” It’s like watching a film 24 hours a day.”

According to the US Aviary, eagle owls usually nest on edges and boulders, but they have been spotted taking over disused eagle nests.

The life forms (recognized as the Bubo bubo) is known by Guinness World Records as the states’s hugest owl, with a wingspan of more than 1.5 metres.

They have no large predators and can enjoy life for up to 60 being in captive, despite having a 20-year expectancy in the forest.

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